Dear Friends,

Where is our social responsibility?
It looks like littering is here to stay as a perennial problem facing all Singaporeans and this is more disturbing because of the fact that the ‘Keep Singapore Clean’ campaign was started way back in the ‘60s. The objective then was to address the inconsiderate littering and to instil in Singaporeans the importance of keeping public places clean. During the campaign period, publicity through the use of mass media, posters and banners was extensive. In addition, various public education activities were organised which included talks and lectures, spot checks by government officials were done. Fines were also instituted to curb bad social behaviour.
But, after all these years and tireless efforts by the government officials, have our social habits improved?
Sadly no. Every week our Waterways Watch patrols have reported the sightings of litter strewn on the ground at our parks and in our waterways. The sights of cut cable ties left behind at the Lakeside Allotment Garden and at Pang Sua Pond, and beer bottles and food packs in the vicinity of MBS suggest that our social grace and responsibility are still lacking to say the least. The question we need to ask is whether the cleanliness and littering problem can be solved with more cleaning?
Regardless, Waterways Watch will continue to spread the awareness for keeping our environment and waterways clean to the young ones and engage the public at large through education and our regular patrols.
I would like to take this opportunity to report that Waterways Watch will continue to work closely with all agencies concerned in generating a greater community awareness and participation in caring for the environment. We have encouraged our young members to participate in the LOVE OUR ‘HOOD YOUTH CHALLENGE 2021 organised by the Municipal Services Office with the support of LTA, NEA, NParks and Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM). 3 of our young members have stepped up to take the challenge to address the issues of Littering and Recycling Right.
Report for this week (Still under the Stabilisation Status) :
- We conducted virtual learning programmes for 2 schools; Shuqun Primary (240 students) and West Spring Primary (117 students).
- Our CEO and President conducted a virtual orientation talk to our 8 new members on Sunday.
- We conducted a virtual training for our facilitators. 8 attended.
- 3 young volunteers, Chong Yee Ching, Elis Lin Yishan, Herman Ahmad participated in an Ideation session for the LOVE OUR ‘HOOD YOUTH CHALLENGE.
- Wai Tong was invited to give a Talk in a mock press conference conducted by Republic Polytechnic and which was attended by 22 students.
- Our regular patrols: We started to increase our patrols of 2x per group this week. A total of 41 members came down for duty and total trash collected = 63 kg.
- Boat Patrol. A total of 8 boat patrols were conducted; 4 at Marina comprising 8 pax, 2 at Punggol comprising 6 pax and 2 boat patrols at Lakeside comprising 5 pax.
- Bike Patrol. A total of 8 bike patrols were conducted; 4 at Marina comprising 8 pax, 2 Bike patrols at Punggol comprising 5 pax and 2 at Lakeside Garden comprising 4 pax.
- Last, but not least we must make mention of our Garden members whose effort must be seen in the light of establishing green spaces ‘that provide ventilation or act as “green lungs” in a built-up area. We are certainly in line with NParks’ attempt to restore nature into the urban landscape.

2. Educational Programmes

3. Volunteer Patrols & Activities
a. Marina

b. Punggol

c. Lakeside

d. Pang Sua Pond

e. “Love Our ‘Hood” Youth Challenge 2019