Date: 4 September 2016, Sunday
Venue: Waterways Watch Society (new classroom)
Time: 1500-1630hrs
Attendees (45)
Adrian William Chng Kiang Hwee, Alex Tan, Alin Tay, Annie Young Giri, Ben Lai, Ching Wee, Bernatt Tan, Bryan Peh, Can Tay, Chng Fang Ning Jacintha, Daisy Wee, Deborah Sia, Edward Sebastian John, Edwin See, Eric Lim, Eugene Heng, Francis Ng, Gappe Jennifer A., Goh Chia Chia, Ivan Teo, Joe Low, John Joel Seow, John Tan, Kelin Sim, Kheh Kim Chong, Lau Ying Song (Dae), Lee Wai Seng Eddie Lee, Low Joo Kek, Louis Kong, Mohammad Fauzy Bin Mos, Mohyong Chee Thong Tony, Muhammad Fariz, Ng Shiang Nee, Pae Jun Zhi, Regina, Ritche Tampos, Shawn Tan, Sun Chew, Tan Jui Ming, Tan Kee Hock Francis, Tan Soi Hong, Tan Yanping, Telly Sim, Teo Yilinn, Toh Boon Whye, Victoria Lee
Absent with Apologies (23)
Abhijit, Ailing, Daniel Cheung, Faiz, Francis Low, Johnson, Joseph, Kelvin Ang, Kim Seng, Hwee Shan, Maludin, Nicole, Peter, Qiusang, Rachel, Raihan, Rebecca, Russell, Siti, Terry, Wilson Yap, Yang Chen, Yiu Yan
Outstation (12)
Mr. Eugene Heng (Chairman) welcomed all members at our premise. He introduced our latest addition of programmes – Gardening, Pedal Boating, River Monster (Junior) as well as the Coney Island Trail.
Passing of 2015 Minutes
Gappe Jennifer A. (Member) proposed the passing of minutes, and John Joel Seow (Member) seconded.
All present were unanimous in favour of approving the minutes.
Review of Past Year Performance
Mr. Ivan Teo (Vice-President) thanked our new sponsors for their supports. The new sponsors are:
SWA/ Keppel Care Foundation
BBA Aviation
Pratt & Whitney
Due to last year’s jubilee SG50 celebrations, we received support from schools that sponsored us in cash and kind. The schools are:
Ngee Ann Polytechnic
Damai Secondary School
Crest Secondary School
Chung Cheng High (Yishun)
Yew Tew Primary School
He shared that sponsored funds are for the maintenance of our patrol boats and sustainability of our environmental programmes. Ivan encouraged members to share Waterways Watch Society’s works with their friends, colleagues as well as family members to join us in our programmes.
Review of the Number of Programmes
Ivan thanked all the volunteers for their past year’s contributions for our weekday and weekend programmes.
In this FY, WWS conducted a total of 39 Corporate Social Responsibility Programmes with Corporate groups with an outreach of about 1150 participants. We also conducted events including off-site events, River Monster programmes, beach clean-ups, assembly talks, and learning trails.
Programmes | Total number of participants | Total number of programmes |
River Monster | 1,500 | 36 |
Assembly Talk | 12,000 | 20 |
Learning Trail | 1,700 | 45 |
Kayak Programmes | 1,290 | 36 |
Beach Clean-Up | 1,100 | 9 |
Corporate Social Responsibility | 1,150 | 39 |
Awareness Booth | – | 21 |
School Camp | 50 | 2 |
Ivan highlighted that our Beach Clean-Up is receiving more participants indicating increased interest in this programme. He expressed thanks to corporates like Salesforce, OCBC and Ascendas. Also, schools like Assumption Pathway, Loyang Primary School, and Woodgrove Secondary School. Ivan further explained that this programme is a good platform for sharing our work and Waterways Watch Society, especially for new corporates, before committing into other CSR programmes like our Kayak, Bike or Gardening programmes.
Eugene further added details about BIPS (Business and IPC Partnership Scheme) by Ministry of Finance, allowing corporates to work with IPC-registered societies to perform CSR for tax exemptions. This is a good initiative for corporates to invest their time on top of donations with NGOs that holds IPC status like us.
Ivan also stated that in this FY, we had 36 Kayak programmes covering 1,290 participants. This is a healthy growth trend. Ivan thanked schools like Raffles Institution, River Valley High, Ngee Ann Polytechnic, St.Andrew’s Junior College and Nanyang Girl’s High. Ivan expressed special thanks especially to Damai Secondary School, they have been a regular supporter for the programme. With the initiation of a partnership with NVPC, the society is seeing more government agencies like Ministry of Social and Family Development and Ministry of Finance stepping in to join us.
He highlighted our prominent environmental activity – Learning Trails. It is an honour to have YTL PowerSeraya and Pratt & Whitney sponsor the programmes.
He reminded members that our annual ICCS (International Coastal Clean-up 2016) will be on 17 September 2016 and encouraged members to sign up for it. Ivan stated that last year’s ICCS was a make-up session due to the haze session. Last year’s ICCS yielded 85 trash bags translating to 790kg of trash.
Number of Volunteers
WWS continues to see a healthy growth of membership and as at March 2016, we are now 450 members strong.
Introduction of New Part-Time Staff
The 2 new administrative staff are:
- Pae Jun Zhi
- Seet Bee Lian
Review and Passing of Accounts for Year Ended March 2016
Miss Ng Shiang Nee (Treasurer) shared with the members the financials of the society. Overall, cash balances are healthy, with the continuation of IPC status and prudent use of funds.
Shiang Nee also highlighted that the growth of income was due to our kayak environmental programmes. Service fees from safety boat contracts such as SEA Games contributed to the bulk of income.
She shared that the society was able to utilise wage credits to offset our expenses. She encouraged retirees to join us to help out in our administrative work.
Shiang Nee highlighted that the increase in expenses was due to the expansion of the new office, such as the installation of security cameras and maintenance of biodiversity pond. She added that the biodiversity pond was sponsored by Ascendas to cover the expenses spent on it.
Eugene mentioned that we are looking for more long-term sponsors as that would provide sustainability in income. Many of our sponsors make one-off sponsorships or donations and we have to actively seek new sponsors every year.
Low Joo Kek (Committee Member) proposed the financial accounts and Kheh Kim Chong (Member) seconded.
All present were unanimous in favour of approving the financial accounts for the year ended 31 March 2016.
Vote to retain our present auditor “Baker Tilly TFW LLP”
All present were unanimous in favour of retaining their Baker Tilly TFW LLP as WWS’s auditor.
Proposed Constitutional Change
Amendments 1 to 5 to the constitution were proposed by Ng Shiang Nee and seconded by Muhammad Fariz (Committee Member)
3.2 To attain the above objectives, the Society shall:
- Develop and implement programmes on the importance of keeping the waterways and riverbanks of Singapore clean for youths, corporates and other associations.
school, senior citizens and the handicapped.
All present were unanimous in favour of approving the above Proposed Constitutional Change (Click here to view).
4.1 Membership is open to:
Ordinary Membership
Ordinary Membership shall be opened to all those who are 18 years of age and above and to those who have completed a minimum of 4 patrolling sessions within a year. All Ordinary Members shall have the rights to vote and to hold office in the Committee.
Ordinary Members will be reverted back to Associated Member status if they fail to perform at least 4 active duties a year without prior approved absence of leave by EXCO the Committee or designate(s).
Members who are Ordinary Members for at least 2 consecutive years will be eligible, under the recommendation of Trainers and/or Team Leaders for the position of Asst. Team Leader
Members who are Ordinary Members can stand for the 6 committee positions but must be recommended and seconded by two other Ordinary Members.
6.1 There shall be no entrance fee payable for all members unless so decided by EXCO the Committee and provided the fee is not to exceed $50 dollars.
8.1 The administration of the Society shall be entrusted to a Committee (also known as the EXCOBoard) consisting of the following to be elected at alternate Annual General Meeting.
A President (Only Singapore Citizens will be are permitted to hold office of this position)
8.10 EXCO Committee nominees must at least hold the position of Asst. Team Leader and must be recommended and seconded by two other Ordinary Members.
8.11 The EXCOThe Committee will have the right to assign any ad‐hoc committees to carry any by‐laws. Any by‐law adopted is to be circulated to all members.
All present were unanimous in favour of approving the above Proposed Constitutional Change.
8.1 The administration of the Society shall be entrusted to a Committee (also known as the EXCO) consisting of the following to be elected at alternate Annual General Meeting.
A President (Only Singapore Citizens will be permitted to hold office of this position)
A Vice-President (Only Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents are will be permitted to hold office of this position)
A Secretary (Singapore Citizens as well as non-Singapore Citizens are permitted to hold office of this position)
An Assistant Secretary (Singapore Citizens as well as non-Singapore Citizens are permitted to hold office of this position)
A Treasurer (Only Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents are permitted to hold office of this position)
An Assistant Treasurer (Singapore Citizens as well as non-Singapore Citizens are permitted to hold office of this position)
Maximum of 8 Ordinary Committee Members (Singapore Citizens as well as non-Singapore Citizens are permitted to hold office of this position)
Honorary Members (No voting rights, invited based on their credentials and capabilities and it is to be endorsed by at least 75% of the EXCO)
8.8 The Committee shall co-opt a maximum of 8 Ordinary Committee Members. Singapore Citizens as well as non-Singapore Citizens are permitted to hold office of this position. The Committee may also invite Honorary Committee Members based on their credentials and capabilities. The Committee shall be responsible for the yearly appointment/review of: Trainers (Senior Members), Team Leaders, and Asst. Team Leaders.
8.9 The Ad Hoc Any Sub-Committee Chairperson must be recommended by at least 2 working main committee members and/or Trainers.
4.1 Membership is open to:
Ordinary Membership
Ordinary Membership shall be opened to all those who are 18 years of age and above and to those who have completed a minimum of 4 patrolling sessions within a year. All Ordinary Members shall have the rights to vote and to hold office in the Committee.
Ordinary Members will be reverted back to Associated Member status if they fail to perform at least 4 active duties a year without prior approved absence of leave by EXCO or designate(s).
Members who are Ordinary Members for at least 2 consecutive years will be eligible, under the recommendation of Trainers and/or Team Leaders for the position of Asst. Team Leader
Members who are Ordinary Members can stand for the 6 committee positions but must be recommended and seconded by two other Ordinary Members.
All present were unanimous in favour of approving the above Proposed Constitutional Change.
9.5 The Treasurer shall keep all funds and collect and disburse all moneys on behalf of the Society and shall keep an account of all monetary transactions and shall be responsible for their correctness. He is authorised to expend up to S$500 per month for petty expenses on behalf of the Society. He will not keep more than S$1 000 in the form of cash and money in excess of this will be deposited in a bank to be named by the Committee. Cheques, etc. for withdrawals from the bank shall be signed by the Treasurer or the Assistant Treasurer, and either the President or the Vice-President, or the Secretary.
All present were unanimous in favour of approving the above Proposed Constitutional Change.
To add a Revision Log at the end of the Constitution.
Approved At | Description |
Annual General Meeting on 4 September 2016 | Amendments to 3.2, 4.1, 8.1, 8.9, 9.5 Replaced “EXCO” with “Committee” throughout |
All present were unanimous in favour of approving the above Proposed Constitutional Change.
Update of Punggol Office
Punggol Office
Mr. Low Joo Kek (Committee Member) thanked his partners, Kelvin Sim and Telly Sim. He shared that the Punggol Team has grown to a strong team of 15 active members, comprising mainly Punggol residents. He also encouraged interested members to join the team every Sunday, 4pm to 6pm for the weekend patrol.
Joo Kek stated there was an increase in boat assets and expansion of the pontoon catered to the growth in environmental activities. For example, the newly-opened Safra Punggol had conducted their NS cohesion programmes with us.
CSR and Learning Trails
Joo Kek outlined the environmental programmes in Punggol Office. In this FY, we had conducted three activities with the nearby schools and three CSR events with Brother.
Requesting New Punggol Members
Joo Kek encouraged more active volunteers for the Punggol team as there will be 40,000 residents moving in. Hence, there will be plenty of opportunities to educate residents on littering challenges.
Introduction of Programme-Organisation Chart
Mr Eugene Heng introduced the leaders and assistants for the four main environmental programmes: Land, Kayak, Boat and Bike.
He shared that leaders have to go through basic training so that the society can have leaders who are responsible with good interpersonal skills and leadership.
Also, the society is looking for more trained kayak leaders and assistants.
Eugene expressed gratitude to the following regular leaders and assistants:
Land Coordinator: Fauzy, Annie
Land Leaders & Assistants: Adrian, Angeline Lam, Eddie Lee, Edwin See, Fariz, Fiona, Francis Ng, Jacintha, Louis, Low Joo Kek, Joseph, Pae Jun Zhi, Kelvin Sim, Kim Seng, Nicole, Nurul, Seet Bee Lian, Siti, Tan Yanping, Telly Sim, Victoria
Kayak Coordinator: Yanping
Kayak Leaders & Assistants: Boon Whye, Carol, Chee Hwa, Ding Kian Seng, Ethan, Fiona, Francis Ng, Hwee Shan, John Joel Seow, Joseph, Kenneth, Pae Jun Zhi, Renzhi, Seet Bee Lian, Yinzhou, Yiu Yan
Boat Coordinator: Joe Low, Jacintha
Boat Leaders & Assistants: Abhijit, Boon Whye, Bryan Lim, Bernatt Tan, Bryan Lim, Bryan Peh, Daniel Cheung, Dave, Deborah Sia, Eddie Lee, Edwin See, Edwin Shi, Francis Tan, Francis, Hwee Shan, Ho Chee Weng, Ivan Teo, Kheh Kim Chong, Peter, Raihan, Shawn Tan, Shiang Nee, Tan Tun Phong, Tang Wai San, Yilinn, Yinzhou
Bike Coordinator: Fariz
Bike Leaders & Assistants: Adrian, Annie, Eddie Lee, Edward, Edwin See, Eric Lim, Fauzy, Francis Ng, Jacintha, Joo Kek, Joseph, Jui Ming, Kelvin Sim, Louis, Nicole, Nurul, Pae Jun Zhi, Siti, Tan Yanping, Telly Sim, Victoria, Yiu Yan
Future Plans
Pedal Boats
Mr Eugene Heng shared that the pedals boats are to encourage family bonding as well as environmental education through a healthy lifestyle. The society is actively looking for sponsors for these pedal boats.
Pioneer Boat
We are in the midst of setting the paperwork for this boat. The pioneer boat is to serve the elderly as well as an addition to our present environmental patrol boats.
Edward John Sebastian (Committee Member) suggested adding a ramp to increase accessibility to the pioneer boat.
Jacintha Chng (Committee Member) asked if this will be a replacement boat which was replied promptly by Eugene that it will be a replacement for our present dingy (RZ001).
Eugene encouraged more members to join the Punggol Team. He shared the partnership we have with the bicycle vendor at Safra Punggol. We are in the midst of a discussion to move one of our present buggies to Punggol in 6 months’ time. The buggy will be parked in a shed provided by NParks. We are also working with Ngee Ann Polytechnic and NParks to build a solar panel powered shed.
Coney Island
We are in the midst of working with other CDCs beside the present NECDC.
Gardening Program
Eugene introduced Seet Bee Lian and Annie Young as our gardeners. He shared that the revamp of the community garden adds on to the holistic range of programmes available to our participants.
Active Members
Eugene strongly encouraged members to roster themselves for weekend patrols, especially for Punggol Team where there are limited bicycles.
Upcoming Activities
ICCS 2016
Eugene encouraged members to join in this annual event happening on 17 September 2016.
LTA – Active Mobility Enforcement Team
Eugene commented that LTA has an Active Mobility Enforcement Team which consists of 15 WWS members. Members have gone through a basic orientation that taught them how to educate park users on the correct use of bicycles, personal mobility devices (PMDs) and electric bicycles to ensure safety in the park. We are concentrating our educational efforts at Kallang and Punggol, our home grounds.
Smoke-Free Parks
Eugene informed present members on the list of parks that are smoke-free sent by NParks.
Mr Eugene Heng thanked the members for taking the time to attend the AGM. He concluded the meeting and invited members to a simple reception at the premise.
Recorded by: Tan Yanping, Secretary
Reviewed by: Eugene Heng, President
Ivan Teo, Vice-President
Ng Shiang Nee, Treasurer