Date: 25 August 2017, Friday
Venue: Waterways Watch Society (Kallang)
Time: 1930hrs – 2130hrs
Attendees (50)
Alex Tan, Adrian William Chng, Ben Lai Ching Wee, Cordelia Koh, Chan Chek Jen ,Cai Yinzhou, Deborah Sia, Diane Neo, Ding kian Seng, Edwin See, Edwin Shi, Eddie Lee, Edward John, Eric Lim, Eugene Heng Chin hien, Francis Ng Soon Hock, Gan Kong Nam, Huang Shilei, Ivan Teo, Jimmy Chua, John Joel Seow, Joseph Tay, John Tan, Kenneth Chan, Louis Kong, Low Joo Kek, Lawrence Yeo, Mohamed Imran, Mohd Fauzy Bin Mos, Mohd Noh Bin Jaffri, , Muhammad Fariz, Mohyong Chee Thong Tony, Nurul Alia Bte Maamon, Ng Shiang Nee, Philip Chua, Raymond Lee, Siti Farhana Maidin, Shawn Tan,Tan Hwee Shan, Tan Jui Ming, Terence Wong, Terry Oo, Lyo Yap, Tan Hui Koon Doreen, Tan Yanping, Tay Kheng Tong, Telly Sim, Victoria Lee,Yang Chen,Yam Junjie
Absent with Apologies (11)
Tan Tun Phong, Kelvin Sim, Soe Tint, Chiang Fong, Tow Meng, Pae Junzhi, Carol Philip, Kim Seng, Annie Young Giri, Joe Low, Qiusang
Outstation (12)
Mr Eugene Heng (President) welcomed members at our premise. He shared a video about social behaviour of residents in Singapore and reinforced the mission of Waterways Watch Society.
Eugene announced that he will be taking on a new role in the Committee. Also, he briefly introduced new faces in the Admin Team – John Joel Seow and Diane Neo.
Eugene outlined the overall increase in membership in this financial year; membership has reached close to a strong team of 500 volunteers. He encouraged members to inspire more friends to contribute back to the society in carrying out our mission and goals. If each member can introduce one new member, this would help build up our strength.
He also reminded members that the society’s FY report covers the period from April 2016 to March 2017. Over the next 2-3 months, we will need to submit meeting minutes, financial accounts as well as annual report to MCCY and renew our IPC status.
Eugene acknowledged the support from government bodies such as AVA, HDB, LTA, MEWR, MPA, MSO, NParks, NEA, PUB, SLA, URA for their support to the society in carrying out our mission. Eugene reiterated that a clean image for the society is important to continue receiving sustainable support from various government agencies.
Finally he thanked all for attending this AGM.
Passing of 2016 Minutes
Mohd Fauzy Bin Mos (Member) proposed the passing of minutes, and Ding Kian Seng (Member) seconded.
All present were unanimous in favour of approving the minutes.
Review performance of April 2016 to March 2017
Overall, programmes have increased 10% from last FY 2016, thanks to our volunteers, the Admin Team as well as support from the relevant government agencies.
Programmes | Total number of programmes |
Assembly Talks | 23 |
Environmental Booths | 6 |
Environmental Camps | 4 |
Corporate Talks | 4 |
Kayak River Clean-up Programmes (Corporate) | 20 |
Kayak River Clean-up Programmes (School) | 38 |
Bike Programmes (Corporate) | 33 |
Bike Programmes (School) | 9 |
River Monster Programmes | 23 |
River Monster Programmes (Junior) | 4 |
WWE Learning Trails | 32 |
River Monster programme is our primordial programme, targeting schools. In total, the River Monster and WWE cover around 59 programmes, averaging 1 programme per week in a calendar year. RM Junior is our newly introduced programme that is tailored for pre-schoolers. We hope to increase sign-ups for these programmes over the next few years.
Eugene remarked that due to sustainable support from regular CSR partners (especially Salesforce), there is an increase in interest in our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes. With the support of NVPC, we are also making connections with some government agencies – another important market to tap on.
He also highlighted that our School Assembly Talks are today mainly sponsored by different corporates like Singapore Press Holding (SPH), Pratt & Whitney and Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA). This is critical to us as sponsorship of programmes always attract school participation.
All these are made possible by regular contributions from our volunteers. Eugene encouraged volunteers to indicate their interest if they are able to volunteer for our weekday programmes besides weekend patrols.
He also shared about our new sponsors: Solvay funding our Sungei Ulu Pandan Trail (SUPER), Ascendas for our Macritchie trail (MAD@MAC), and SPH sponsoring our latest trail, KRILL at Kolam Ayer. In addition, Laneige returned for the second year hoping to raise as much as $10k for our cause. Their move is commendable as they managed to raise 6.9k an increase from last year’s fund raising.
Regular partners such as North West CDC and Pratt & Whitney have been supporting us for the past 4 years. This is made possible by the dedication of our volunteers in carrying out the programmes in the most professional way. Eugene encouraged members to share new programme ideas that can help market our work.
Pedal Boat Programme
WWS introduced a new programme – Pedal Boat Programme. This programme targets families, allowing more family bonding activities while keeping the waterway clean. There is a potential to increase the present number of pedal boats to cater to bigger interest groups. The pedal boats may also be relocated to Punggol, catering to the growth of young families there.
Currently, we have three new eco-riders which will be utilised, once approved by LTA. Two of the Eco-Riders will be sent to the Punggol branch. The relocation will give members a variety of options in their environmental patrol. Eugene emphasised that each member has the responsibility to use the Eco-Rider in the safest and most responsible manner.
NEA Authority Card
At present, there are 66 NEA authority card holders in WWS. It is useful in the line of our work as it provides members the confidence to engage members of the public to educate and reinforce positive behaviour during engagements. Eugene reiterated that these members are carefully selected to be representatives of WWS.
LTA Authority Card
There are 15 LTA authority card holders in WWS. The card allows members to educate PMD and PED users in Marina and Punggol areas only. Eugene highlighted that members need to hold NEA authority card before getting the LTA authority card.
PUB Authority Card
There are 31 PUB authority card holders to engage members of public fishing in non-fishing zones.
Municipal Services Office (MSO)
Eugene mentioned that there was a meeting with MSO to cement a potential partnership with us to work together with the challenges we faced during our patrols.
However, this move will need committed members.
Weekend Patrols
On average, we have 10 to 16 members joining the weekend patrols. Eugene expressed heartfelt thanks to regular weekend team leaders – Edward, Telly, Joo Kek, Adrian, Jui Ming, Louis, Eric, and Kelvin. He highlighted that every volunteer contributes in their little way to make each patrol a meaningful one.
Eugene also mentioned our new orientation presentation for all new members. The presentation will cover the mission of the society and also serves as a platform to encourage each individual to contribute back to our society outside the weekend patrols. Every new member will need to attend this presentation.
Joe Lim
WWS held one minute of silence to the passing of one of our committed members, Mr Joe Lim.
Review and passing of accounts April 2016 to March 2017
Ng Shiang Nee (Treasurer) reported a decrease in our cash balance of around $20k, mostly from the decrease in donations. However, our programmes fee from schools and corporates net our expenses as we are a non-profit organization.
We received $55k of government grants from MEWR in direct sponsorship of our land rental from SLA for our Kallang premise. This sponsorship signifies MEWR’s support of our mission and will end after two years, after which their full sponsorship will be halved.
Income sources, excluding rental grants, are mainly safety boat services and sponsorships. Demand for safety boat services is expected to remain healthy as the government has tightened the risk control measures for water activities.
Eugene welcomed members to give more ideas to create interest in members of public or corporates in donating.
For expenditure, allowances took 38% of the pie. Staff cost formed 32% while boat and premise expenses took 6% each. She explained that the growth in allowances is in correlation to the growth in service revenue from our education programmes. Staff cost increase was relatively flat.
Year on year, safety boat revenue went down, as our regular contracts reduced their reliance on our services. Donations went down by $28k from individuals and corporates. This is largely due to the absence of SG50 donations from schools, which was available in the previous FY. She also pointed out that we spent lesser in the reporting FY because the building of our biodiversity pond has matured, thus requiring lesser maintenance.
Louis Kong (Member) pointed out that the percentages in the Income source pie chart do not add up to 100%. Shiang Nee explained that the percentage for “others” was missing as it was small and when included, would clutter up the visual aspect of the chart.
Low Joo Kek (Member) proposed the passing of financial accounts and Nurul Alia Bte Maamon (Member) seconded.
All present were unanimous in favour of approving the financial accounts for the year ended 31 March 2017.
Proposed Constitutional Change
- 4.1 Associate Membership
- Associate Membership shall be open to all those who are 16 18years of age and above.
- All Associate Members shall have no voting rights and are notshall not beeligible to hold office in the Committee.
- 4.2 Ordinary Membership
- Ordinary Membership shall be open to Associate Members who have clocked a minimum of 12 hours in service to the Society per year for 2 consecutive years, not including orientation.
Philip Chua (Member) raised a question if one is qualified to be an ordinary member if one clocks 24 hrs in his/her first year instead of doing it for two years.
Eugene explained for transparency and good goverance, the Committee is of the opinion that this amendment as proposed would ensure that members who join the society show some long term committment and interest to our cause before having the right to vote. It is felt that the two year membership is not long especially when members who join has the interest in our long term goals and mission. Those who show great passion and have the available time will be considered for comittee positions in WWS.
In addition, Eugene highlighted that the society uses Salesforce software to track all members’ volunteer hours.
- Ordinary Membership shall be opened to all those who are 18 years of age and above and to those who have completed a minimum of 4 patrolling sessions within a year. After completing a minimum of 24 hours in service to the Society within 2 calendar years, Probationary Members will be eligible to be upgraded to Ordinary Membership.
- All Ordinary Members shall have the rightsto vote and to hold office in the Committee.
4.3 Junior Membership
- Children under the age of 16 are eligible for Junior Membership subject to the approval of the Committee.
- All Junior Members shall have no voting rights and shall not be eligible to hold office in the Committee. Upon attaining the age of 16, Junior Members are eligible to be redesignated as Associate Member or Ordinary Member, as deemed by the Committee.
Ordinary Members will be reverted to Associate Member status if they fail to perform at least 4 active duties a year without prior approved absence of leave by the Committee or designate(s). Members who are Ordinary Members for at least 2 consecutive years will be eligible, under the recommendation of Trainers and/or Team Leaders for the position of Asst. Team Leader
- 4.4 Membership Renewal
- Membership Renewal requirement shall be on an annual basis, subjected to all members the completion of at least 2 patrols 6 hours in service to the Society per calendar within the year. Member The Committee will have the discretion to terminate Members who do not fulfil this requirement and/or display unbecoming conduct are liable for revocation of membership, at the discretion of the Committee and/or act will be deemed as resigned from the Society if the requirement is not fulfilled for 2 years.
Yam Junjie (member) asked what will happen if one fails to complete the 6hrs commitment. Eugene answered that the Committee will have the right to de-list members from the database unless valid reasons are given (i.e relocated for short work trips).
- 4.5 Associate Membership
- Associate Membership shall be opened to all those who are 18 years of age and above who have completed a minimum of 4 patrolling sessions within a year.
- Associate Members have to be member for 2 years running before being upgraded to Ordinary Member.
- All Associate Members shall have no voting rights and shall not be eligible to hold office in the Committee. The cut-off date shall be 31st March
2009 for all new members to be associate members.
8.7 The Committee has power to authorize the expenditure of a sum of S$25 000 for capital expenditure and a sum of S$10 000 for running expenditure per month. Cheques issued by the Society will need to be signed by 2 authorised persons, one of which must be either the President Treasurer or the Vice President Assistant Treasurer.
9.5 The Treasurer shall keep all funds and collect and disburse all moneys on behalf of the Society and shall keep an account of all monetary transactions and shall be responsible for their correctness. He is authorised to expend up to S$500 per month for petty expenses on behalf of the Society. He will not keep more than S$1 000 in the form of cash and money in excess of this will be deposited in a bank to be named by the Committee. Cheques, etc. for withdrawals from the bank shall be signed by the Treasurer or the Assistant Treasurer and either the President or the Vice President.
Eugene clarified that all cheques issued will have two signatures to be valid.
Louis Kong (Member) proposed the passing of the Proposed Constitutional Change, and Alex Tan (Member) seconded.
All present were unanimous in favour of approving the above Proposed Constitutional Change.
Updates of Punggol Office
Mr Joo kek, representing the Punggol office mentioned that due to the Pokemon craze, there was more interest from the members of the public to find about our office.
He introduced the premise to our new members and encourages more members to join the Punggol team. He shared that the team started with only one boat and six bicycles. The fleet has since grown to two boats, eight bicycles, four double kayaks and five single kayaks. By the last quarter of 2017, one buggy and 2 Eco-Riders will be added. A half-container will be installed near the current container office to store the additional vehicles and better support growth at Punggol.
The Punggol office will also be open twice a week, on weekdays from August 2017.Lawrence and Elias will be taking charge of the weekday administrative team at the Punggol office.
At present, the Punggol team has 32 members. Joo Kek highlighted that there is an increase in participation from youths. Also, the team has conducted an average of 1 orientation per month for Punggol Branch new members.
Beside the regular bike patrol, Joo Kek shared that the team will do some simple maintenance during patrols and submit reports to keep relevant authority agencies informed.
Joo kek also warned that there is increased sighting of PMD users showcasing irresponsible behaviour like speeding in the park. There is illegal fishing as well as irresponsible placing of shared bikes.
Joo kek also highlighted that SAFRA(Punggol) will be building a new pontoon to market water sports to their members, thus working together will be a good idea to keep the area clean and green.
He summarised the number of programmes done at the Punggol Office.
Programmes | Total No. Of Programmes |
LAH LAH (Lorong Halus) | 8 |
PLAY (Punggol) | 4 |
Coney Island Tour by North East CDC | 8 |
Coney Island Beach Clean Up | 1 |
Joo Kek specially mentioned and thanked the team who has contributed to make WWS Carnival 2017 a success. It was a new experience for everyone in the society and he gave his appreciation to everyone who has contributed to make this event a successful one.
Introduction of new members in the Admin Team
- John Joel Seow
- Diane Neo
John gave a brief introduction about himself as a programme manager. He also mentioned that he will want to contribute by bettering members’ volunteering experiences by introducing social event like movie night.
Diane also introduced herself as the assistant programme manager and gave her thanks to Eugene and the Committee for giving her the opportunity to join the family.
Eugene commended the two full time staff to take the effort to join in the weekend patrols to know each member better. He also highlighted that this is a good platform to introduce themselves to the volunteers to ensure a seamless blend between the Admin Team and the members.
Election of the new committee
CEO: Mr Eugene Heng
President: Mr Ivan Teo
Vice-President: Ms Ng Shiang Nee
Treasurer: Ms Victoria Lee
Assistant Treasurer: Mr Low Joo Kek
Secretary: Ms Tan Yanping
Edward John (Member) proposed the passing of Election of the New Committee, and Telly Sim (Member) seconded.
All present were unanimous in favour of approving the Election of the New Committee.
Future Plans
Pedal Boats
- To have a new educational family program on pedal boats, especially on weekends.
Doreen (member) suggested to import pedal boats from China instead or Norway. However, Eugene explained that safety and longevity of the pedal boats will be considered first.
- To encourage more active participation of Punggol residents in joining our Punggol Team.
Eugene shared that we have 4 double kayaks, 5 single kayaks, thus, there will be future plan to conduct more patrols in the water.
K-heart Programme
- The Admin Team brainstormed this programme to cater to the RC members
Eugene mentioned that we will be working with Community Centres about this programme.
- To look for sustainable sponsors for Kayak River Clean-up Programme and River Monster (Junior)
Salesforce and Social Media
Thanks to Ivan Teo (President), the society has implemented Salesforce system into the daily operations to keep track of records in a more efficient manner.
Also, the society will be moving towards marketing on various social media platforms to reach out to more audiences.
Upcoming Activity
ICCS 2017
Eugene encouraged members to join in this annual event on 23 September 2017.
Mr Eugene Heng thanked the members for taking the time to attend AGM 2017.