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Dear Friends,

This week WWS successfully held our own ICCS on 14th Sep, Saturday. The clean-up was done at Fort Road Beach, we like to thank the SANTARLI Construction Pte Ltd for their support and giving us access to this restricted beach zone. It is the ninth year that WWS participated in this international event. There were a total of 100 participants involved in this clean-up, including both our members and invited partners (Pratt & Whitney and SPH). During the one hour of clean-up event, we collected more than one tone of trash from the narrow beach area stretching only 400 meter long. The majority of trash we collected were different forms of plastic products (mostly bottles, food packagings and straws) and styrofoam (see photos). Other than that, we picked up a TV, a floodlight, lots of shoes, many PFDs and life buoys and a piece of rope more than 10 meters long (see photos).

Due to the recent hazy weather, we informed all participants to prepare N95 mask and consulted ICCS coordinator for conditions to stop activity. We also monitored the 24hr PSI on the previous day of event and 1hr PM2.5 on the morning before event start. We were lucky that on the event day, the haze only came around noon time, our ICCS event was not affected.

While busy preparing for ICCS, we still managed to do five programs for students and adults. We did one Kayak Waterway Clean-up for 16 teenagers from CROASSROAD Youth Center, two Kayak Clean-up for OBS (100 pax) and another Kayak Waterways Clean-up for 23 scouts. There were also 125 teachers from Singapore Poly did a Waterway Clean-up on foot as their CSR.

Over the weekend, patrol on Kallang was cancelled due to the ICCS; but six members did two weekday patrols at Punggol Branch and five members still did bike patrol at Lakeside Branch on Sunday.

Members pick up 2 kg of plastic bottle and can during weekday bike patrol around Punggol water way (see photos).

Notice board at fishing zone of Lakeside Garden does not mention no use of live baits or only using artificial baits. Members educated three fishermen using live baits not to do so at Lakeside fishing zone, they complied.

The Kallang park is much more quiet due to the haze.

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